Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 01:12 am

Title: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 01:12 am
For about two months my business partner and I have been planning an order on SR. Today we were finally ready. We had budgeted our funds and prospective purchases out and left room for BitCoin fluctuations. Our plan was to take our $620 MP and convert through Sugar Momma but upon logging in we noticed Obama Girl was offering to convert for a $5 flat rate so she could re-up. As she was our chosen MDMA vendor and was highly positively reviewed as of a few weeks ago we decided to go with her. She offered to throw us a bit of a deal if we converted and shopped with her. Things seemed to be going swimmingly. She responded quickly and we were quite happy. Upon receiving our MP code she said she was sorry but it would be a bit of a wait because she had reached her $2000 MP limit. She then said she was transferring our MP to a Visa rush card because she needs to reup. We then received a message that said the rush card said the transfer of funds was still "pending." In the interim I began reading a lot of negativity on the forums towards OG and began to worry. We messaged her/him saying that our card was definitely active and perhaps their rush card had a $500 limit. We never received a response to this. After 2 hours without any response we sent another message requesting either our coins or to cancel our order. We have still not received a response. So has this happened to anyone else? Is this a simple delay due to technical difficulties or have we been scammed? I hope it is the former but the current forum negativity towards OG has me fearing it is the latter.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: themessenger2 on March 13, 2012, 01:25 am
I'm hoping for your sake that they have logged off for the night. Please keep the community informed as to what happens.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: jackstraw on March 13, 2012, 01:29 am
It's been said soooo many times....but again DO NOT BUY BTC on SR and if you must make sure it's a reputable vendor of which OG is DEFINITELY NOT.  Expensive lesson.  SUCKS
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: Rhinosaurus on March 13, 2012, 01:30 am
Hey man, alot of the negativity is just due to her sly sneaky attempts to discredit other far more legitimate vendors, but i have been hearing she is still sending product out so don't worry just yet, as 'themessenger' said i hope you haven't been scammed and let us know how it turns out, if it goes tits up and you have been scammed it's time the mods are informed of OG cause she is such a shady character. good luck man
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: Ungoliant on March 13, 2012, 01:35 am
Yeah, as far as I know she doesn't actually scam people out of their orders, she just likes to slander. Please keep this topic updated with your info.

If you're going to exchange MP to BTC on the site I would highly recommend BTCPal, I don't think he's done a single person wrong the entire time he's been on SR. I have had at least 5 successful transactions with him as well with ranging MP values. He had more than adequate opportunity to steal ample amounts of money from me and others and has not.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 01:40 am
I'm still hoping that they've just logged off for the night  :-\ We will most definitely be keeping the community informed of future developments. Just to make things clear our intent with this post is not to smear Obama Girl but rather state our concerns. If we have been scammed we will be posting screenshots or transcripts of our coorespondance with her/him.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: Dr Special K on March 13, 2012, 01:52 am
not trying to bust your balls, but you should've went with BTC Buddy.  :-\

Hope everything works out for you.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 02:03 am
not trying to bust your balls, but you should've went with BTC Buddy.  :-\

Hope everything works out for you.
We had chosen sugar momma but went with OG for the lower flat rate. The last time I had checked the forums there was no scandal surrounding her as a vendor, only positive reviews of her service and product. We don't want to cry wolf and disparage her/him as a vendor before this is resolved. But we are very very interested to hear from anyone else who took her up on her Bitcoin conversion offer with positive or negative results. We ARE NOT calling her a scammer and will not until we see how this plays out. If everything is worked out we'll be offering nothing but positive feedback and support of OG as a vendor and an honest person. If not we will notify the community and prove what went on.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 02:06 am
I'm certain ObamaGirl is known scammer KingJoey who has run moneypack scams in the past here. I'm sorry to say it but your money is probably gone. If you still have your moneypack # you need to try to cash it out yourself NOW. Moneypack processing is slow w/ everyone right now i think so he might not have been able to get your cash off there yet & you may still have a chance at recovering it. but you need to act AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!! I cant stress that enough. If your money is off the card its probably gone already. I'm sorry this happened to you.
We already tried to cash the moneypak to one of our paypals and the money is gone :(
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: dankology on March 13, 2012, 02:21 am
She screwed my buddy over on a couple grams of MDMA.  "sent it" but it never arrived.  She said she "reshipped" but nothing ever showed up.  Not saying shes a full blown scammer but she could definitely be selective if she hasnt just said "fuck it" and started scamming people on her way out.  Her business is pretty much ruined.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: Dr Special K on March 13, 2012, 02:25 am
I'm certain ObamaGirl is known scammer KingJoey who has run moneypack scams in the past here. I'm sorry to say it but your money is probably gone. If you still have your moneypack # you need to try to cash it out yourself NOW. Moneypack processing is slow w/ everyone right now i think so he might not have been able to get your cash off there yet & you may still have a chance at recovering it. but you need to act AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!! I cant stress that enough. If your money is off the card its probably gone already. I'm sorry this happened to you.
We already tried to cash the moneypak to one of our paypals and the money is gone :(

fuck man..  :-\ that is alot of bullshit. she/he shouldnt of cashed it until the btc were on your account. that right there is somewhat unprofessional
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 03:20 am
I'm certain ObamaGirl is known scammer KingJoey who has run moneypack scams in the past here. I'm sorry to say it but your money is probably gone. If you still have your moneypack # you need to try to cash it out yourself NOW. Moneypack processing is slow w/ everyone right now i think so he might not have been able to get your cash off there yet & you may still have a chance at recovering it. but you need to act AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!! I cant stress that enough. If your money is off the card its probably gone already. I'm sorry this happened to you.
We already tried to cash the moneypak to one of our paypals and the money is gone :(

fuck man..  :-\ that is alot of bullshit. she/he shouldnt of cashed it until the btc were on your account. that right there is somewhat unprofessional
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 06:52 pm
As of this morning she has responded and said that she has confirmed that the money is on the card but that it will take 72 hours to transfer from the MP to her Visa Rush card. Since we have already confirmed that the money is no longer on our MP we have we have asked for the BTC to be credited to our account immediately. If she has confirmed the money was on the card and we have confirmed we are unable to access said funds I really don't see why this would be an issue for any legitimate vendor. Feeling cautiously optimistic but still worried. We'll be updating if there are any new developments.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: perky on March 13, 2012, 07:12 pm
escrow doesnt protect MP and obama girl is a scammer..the techniques i see tell me he is a an original scammer..very clever.hit it and quit it before the word gets out and boy did he.....

maybe get a new business just drove your business to the ground before you started it.

god as the flow of new people come in every week i am astonished how much money is being made off scams

your not getting your money back . im so sure if you get it back or get your coins i will delete my account, i promise.

Sorry guys, tell your friends you wont be selling them nothing for a long time.

DPR needs to do something so more newbies know how to handle themselves there first month on the road, dont you agree?

Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 13, 2012, 07:34 pm
Haha $600 certainly does suck but our business is far from run into the ground. It does suck though as we were fairly confident in Obama Girl prior to the last few days all we had seen were positive reviews both on SR and on the forums. A while ago when we were first looking into making a puchase I remember a fairly reputable MP to BTC converter doing transactions for a $10 flat rate to get rid of some excess coins. I can't remember exactly who it was but when we saw OG offering a similar flat rate coupled with all the previous positive reviews we had read it didn't even occur to us that she would scam us :/ I suppose that seems incredibly naive to some of the veteran members but what can you do? Experience is the mother of wisdom and we will regroup and return in a few weeks, possibly sooner. What are everyones reccomendations for on site MP to BTC? Sugar Momma? BTC Buddy? Is either better from your personal experiences?
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: perky on March 13, 2012, 07:47 pm
they are both great...A+ vendors use either one.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: pizzaboomerang on March 14, 2012, 03:12 am
they are both great...A+ vendors use either one.
Awesome, we'll definitely be going with one of them next time.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: Locrian on March 14, 2012, 03:32 am
As she was our chosen MDMA vendor and was highly positively reviewed as of a few weeks ago we decided to go with her.

ObamaGirl is "highly positively reviewed" by shell accounts and lottery players.  I don't think I've seen a single reputable member propping Girl's stuff anywhere on the forums.  Can't just look at the numbers and assume the best; the numbers come from a system, and a system can be gamed.  Ultimately, you have to dig a little and make some connections with your own good judgment.

I'm certain ObamaGirl is known scammer KingJoey who has run moneypack scams in the past here. I'm sorry to say it but your money is probably gone.

Without a doubt, yeah.  I'm not a paranoid guy, and I don't jump to conclusions, but it's pretty obvious.  Someone shared a rant they received from OG in the most recent ObamaGirl call-out thread, and it reads exactly like one by KingJoey.  Talking about "those who know me" and all that shit.  He doesn't even bother to mix up his grammar and punctuation errors, for fuck's sake.

It's depressing to me that someone could be so lax about covering their tracks, and yet still (apparently) make motherfucking BANK from scamming.

DPR needs to do something so more newbies know how to handle themselves there first month on the road, dont you agree?

I dunno what more there is to do.  The forums aren't exactly hidden, are they?  To put a stop to scammers, you have to put a stop to the so-called "eager beaver syndrome."  You can tell buyers all day long - don't place large orders with new vendors, don't finalize early, search for vendors' names in the rumor board, etc.  But most won't listen.  And then they'll bitch about DPR, and how he doesn't give a shit about buyers.

There's no way to make this whole shit foolproof.  That's a fact.  But you can make it damn near foolproof for yourself.
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: nomad bloodbath on March 14, 2012, 04:07 am
I like Locrain's style.
As for the "so-called" Eager Beaver Syndrome, it's a natural phenomenon, not a myth best believe it.
There's prove of it daily over and over and over and over, etc.

Common sense people I'll sell it if you'll buy it. PM me and I'll make a listing in escrow.

nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: Locrian on March 14, 2012, 04:54 am
I like Locrain's style.
As for the "so-called" Eager Beaver Syndrome, it's a natural phenomenon, not a myth best believe it.
There's prove of it daily over and over and over and over, etc.

Common sense people I'll sell it if you'll buy it. PM me and I'll make a listing in escrow.

nomad bloodbath

I didn't mean to imply it's a myth, it is definitely a real phenomenon! 
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: perky on March 14, 2012, 03:49 pm
just bought some of nomads common sense i finalized early! lol
Title: Re: ObamaGirl's MP to Bitcoin Offer
Post by: nomad bloodbath on March 15, 2012, 07:09 am
just bought some of nomads common sense i finalized early! lol

Well that's strange it didn't get listed til 2am.
Also finalizing early is not a practice i participate in, but here's the link to the listing.
